How one person can change the world…

Since I was a little kid, I have always believed that one person could change the world. I do not understand where this conviction of mine came from and to be honest I have never really searched for an explanation. Would it make a difference if I knew? Nope, so who cares?

I met that man half a year ago. I had heard about him from someone else. But then one day I met him face to face and spent one week with him.  To be exact … 5 days….In the beginning he was a bit distant and suspicious as he did not know what to expect of me. But then couple of days later when I opened up and was honest and truthful with him, his guard fell down and his true personality started to shine. He was very caring, considerate, friendly, warm, honest, funny, helpful, patient…simply….KIND…

He reminded me of someone but at that time I did not know of whom…only several weeks later I realized he had reminded me of the only person in this world in whose presence I felt safe….he remained me of my grandfather who died long time ago….

I once read that people mature either through pain or love…majority of my life my growth was initiated by pain I felt and my deep desire to understand and get rid of it….I was stubborn, hitting my head against the wall,  going from one extreme to another, trying to find a balance and harmony somewhere in the middle, living out the full force of karma which has been correcting me on my dharma….

But because of him, I experienced after many many many years how it feels to mature and grow thanks to kindness of another human being…I understood so much about me, my life and my world just by being around him and talking to him…..and one unusual morning I understood what I had been missing so much in my life….

As 18 year old I internally decided to be STRONG in order to fulfill my destiny…as if I was very much aware of what is ahead and how much pain I will have to dig and bring out, feel it again, understand, release and let go….. however, since that one week….to be exact 5 days…I have gradually and naturally decided TO BE my destiny…and to become KIND instead of being STRONG….

I still believe one person can change the world…That man changed mine….and he does not even know it….how magical…..

btw that man is no guru, no priest, no coach….he is just an “ordinary” middle aged hard-working man who loves nature, wood, animals, people…and life…



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